Welington de Oliveira

Associate Professor

École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris - Mines PSL

Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées - CMA

Sophia Antipolis

E-mail: welington.oliveira@minesparis.psl.eu

About me

I was born in Campos Gerais, Brazil, in 1980. Since I was a kid, I have been involved in my family's coffee business. The background picture above is of Avellino, the small coffee farm I own with my wife (and co-author) Valentina. After finishing my studies and working in both industry and academia in Rio de Janeiro, I moved to France in 2018 to join CMA, Mines Paris-PSL, in the French Riviera.  


Full  CV  (in Portuguese)   

Professional interests

My research focuses on optimization. It includes Nonsmooth optimization, Stochastic programming, and Energy and power systems management

Services on editorial boards